Alcohol 120% problem

Been using this prog a bit. Its very nice. The trial period ended so i grabbed a serial off the net. It accepted it and i burnt 5 svcds which wouldnt play properly on my DVD player.

F*** i say, waste of time and CDs. They wont even play in my computer. oohh f***! wots going on? I burn another at 16x just to make sure they aint bad CDs. No luck. It wont even copy the mpeg from the CD.

So i fire up fireburner, burn at 1x (its either max or 1x and i dont have CDs which support my speed), come back in an hour or so and its done. Works perfectly.

I grab a new version of alc off irc, install and enter the serial and same problem. the CDs refuse to work anymore.

I narrowed it down to this: Alcohol 120% corrupts your CDs if it thinks you have a warez serial. Instead of displaying the real serial when i fire it up, it says 09FE. The one i got off the net triggered this. All versions after do the same thing. I uninstall/reinstall. Still, it tells me the trial period is over. I can't locate the reg entries/files where they indicate that the trial is over.

Can anyone help me? i need to completely remove all traces of this prog in order to make a proper install coz it keeps burning corrupt CDs.

Post Edited reason please try not swearing because something has gone wrong !!! >>>>>VIPER_1069<<<<<

Additional ..... TRY PURCHASING ALCOHOL instead of using someone elses serial and you may just find that it works flawlessly every time :) >>>VIPER_1069<<<
Murder One Im Not knocking the warez scene Just stopping it on this forum BECAUSE whatever the past we are NOW


:cool: :cool: