Agnitum Outpost Firewall?


Has anybody tried this one out? I must say it looks really good, there is a comparison chart on their site and it more than competes with the likes of Kerio, Sygate & ZAP. Also they do another product called Jammer which looks real good.

Check them out at h**p://

Serial for the Pro version is also on the 15/4/02 update for S2K BTW. :D

Anyone tried it though?
I gave it a go

Quality Firewall, though it takes a bit of time setting it up correctly. If you have the patience to set the rules correctly and don't change your applications every 5 minutes (like I do), this is a serious contender for Kerio and Sygate - both of which are also very good.

I've gone back to Sygate purely because the amount of times I change apps or fiddle with the PC. The new Tiny FW looks like it could be excellent - especially if the "Sandbox" is as good as they reckon.

I'm sure there will be "trial" versions available soon :)

:D :D :D

Go Here and you can get Agnitum Outpost Firewall Pro v1.0.15 plus KEY.


:D :D :D