

What is the best Ad-blocker? not a pop-pup blocker since I'm using Opera v7.11 wich block pop-pup great. I don't want to use median (can't remember the exact name) because it is only for IE and i DONT want to use it. I've seen proximitron but it uses proxy...:(

I was using ZoneAlarm Pro v4 so it blocked adds, but I change to Kerio since ZAP was interfering with eMule...

Anyone having some suggestion? tanx
I use proxomitron myself, but since you dont want a proxy i guess webwasher is out too(just had to mention it) :)
What about adding entries to your hosts file?
Heres some good places for hosts files:

If your pc chokes after adding a hosts file, try disabeling the dns client service, didnt work for me but others have had more "luck"
Webwasher was EXACTLY what I was looking for!! hehe tanx m8!!

It can filter content with a proxy... or NOT!!! So No configuration is necessary. You can modify the what you want to filter. So if an ad is displayed... you can blast it :)

And its free for personnal use!!! Wohou!!!! :) :) :)

tanx m8 :)