action replay max work with slide card?


New member
hi im new to this slide card thing, i recently bought an action replay max and made my own slide card.
can sumone explain in detail exactly how i can play backups?, rite now i dont got a dvd burner yet (so havent tried dvd) but have tried my cdr backup of timesplitters using nero at 4x, and it doesnt seem to work, im not sure exactly wat im meant to be doing coz action replay max is abit diff to ar2.
can sumonee help?? :confused:
erm how do you backup a dvd to cdr with time splitters i would geuss that 98% of ps2 games are dvds !? are you ripping a load of stuff out to get it to fit the disk !?

perhaps try with a ps1 original to test but for most ps2 stuff you will need a dvd burner no way around without a lot of messing removing stuff :)
I dont agree with the method, so I'm not going to tell you how to do it here.

Try searching google for "PS2 knife trick"



New member
there are 2 types of ps2 games

the silver ones are dvd
and the blue underside ones are cd.(timesplitters is one, im sure coz all i got is a cdrom drive and i can read it.
so can anyone help?? :confused:
read as a standard psx game i would guess !? read with clone cd or other tool that allows reading of both sub channel audio and data use the preset profile in alcohol for playstation :)