acoustica mp3 cd burner

hi there,any idea on how to make this program to automatically open ur cd rom after burning.also when i used its cross fader feature,it creates a sound that it looks like it is jumping between tracks.anybody?pls.
I'm Sorry to disagree with you but i love Acoutisca...i know it may not be the best but some commercial program are not all crap. I speak from experience having used it for a while. I'm not saying some freeware aren't sometime doing a better job than commercial one but....this one has been Top Notch for me!

acoustica mp3 burner

works well here with me! I like to use tag & rename to tag my mp3's after i rip 'em and i burn them with acoustica and put 'em my Sony car stereo and it shows all tags! no complaints for what i use it for!

