about 2-pass

hi guys,
here i go again with 2 pass :D
Is there any real difference in doing a 2-pass encoding instead of a single pass?
From wat i know from exp,2 pass really takes A lot of time(took me about 8-12hrs) on a XP1700+
will there been less noise...?
btw anyone playing with matroska ?i'm currently playing with ogm & wanna have some feedback with matroska ;)
(any opinions cm,cd?)
2Passes will give you much better bitrate allocation and therefor better quality for a set filesize.

Been playing around with Matroska and OGM since they first came out. Not sure what kind of feedback you want though? You mean OGM vs. MKV? Because I don't really want to go there. Good to see that OGM development has some what resumed though.
All depends with what u r encoding with on 2 pass.
Using tmpgenc.....huge difference.
Using CCE its not as obvious (tho still better) as 1 pass is actually 2 pass and 2 pass is actually 3 pass and so on....
I assume your talking about SVCD, you didnt actully say what your encoding to.

If it was an 80 min movie (kids cartoon for exaple) and you encode to fit to 2x80min CDR's then 2pass is not going to be that much better than 1 pass, however if your now talking about a 110min movie onto 2 80min CDR's then 2 pass will be a lot better than 1 pass. There would still be a noticible difference between 2 pass and 3 pass here.

If you are able to keep the final bitrate up to 2200 or above (will need 3x CDR's or more), then just use CBR which is 1 pass only and done very quickly and will be of the same quality as a 3 pass VBR on 2 CDR's.
Don't think matroska supports RAW MPEG2 yet and I know OGM doesn't so I would assume that he is talking about DivX, XviD or WMV9. Most likely XviD or DivX.

Like I said, better bitrate allocation, obviously the lower the bitrate, the more difference this will make which reversed would be the higher the bitrate the less difference it will make and if the bitrate is high enough then it will make no difference.

The other thing is that different sources will be more and less compressable than others, so what is a high bitrate for one source may not always be a high bitrate for another.
serjer said:
well ripping dvds,trying 2 fit a movie on a single 700mb.

yeah...n also vs avi
oops forgot 2 elaborate

yeah,it's about avi,more precisely xvid,coz a friend of mine told me zat 2 pass aint zat good & is not necessary,apart from taking more time ,coz if the bitrate is low,there is little chance zat a 2 pass will improve the film.
i'm currently on a dvd ripped movie of spiderman(still with it:p ) and after so many trials(about nearly 1 month on it)
,i've decided 2 opt 4 either ogm(on a single cdr) or avi (2 cdrs).
i've made an ogm @ 766mb @ about 700 Kbps video bitrate & audio in vbr ogg vorbis,but i've put 2 much noise filter
(took me about 5hr 2 encode),using the 2nd pass,using the stats file i've created before for this movie.
i've just finished encoding the movie again (took 6hrs this time),compressing the video only @ a bitrate of 1439Kbps ,1-pass,using nic's xvid.
wat i liked in ogm is zat i can add 2 audio streams & +2 subtitles(dunno if its possible with avi) & can disable the subs 2 ;)
You should be using a stats file that was created with whatever filters that you are using. It sounds like you created a stats file, then did a pass with a whole lot of extra filtering. This completely defeats the purpose behind a stats file.

Spiderman I would think would not require much denoising.

Also, it sounds like you are using mode2cdmaker, definatly not a good idea with AVI's.