abc bittorrent v3.0 and v3.0.1b

i keep getting this message when i try to download....

07/14/05 19:16:19 - Problem connecting to tracker - ('url error', 'unknown url type', '', '?info_hash=%B2%F9%A8soW%A59%C1%A3m%F8%A7%03%D7%80%C1K/%80&peer_id=A300-----8jh6kFZnxg-&port=26548&uploaded=0&downloaded=0&left=1302488020&no_peer_id=1&compact=1&event=started&key=sN0o-X')

whenever i open a torrent then it starts to try to connect i just get that message....whats wrong??..ALL THE TORRENTS....
Since you are using this software to download legal content I can answer your question. Best guess would be that you don't have the correct ports open in your firewall. A quick search for torrent tutorial will produce the info you need to set up your software/hardware firewall correctly.
And for the love of whatever diety you worship, Turn your firewall on. No firewall is a bad idea. The -'s are much worse than taking the time to set one up properly.
Nunyobiznes said:
No firewall is a bad idea.
i third this issue.... recent reports is that it can take as little as 12 minutes for an unprotected machine to be fully taken control of and either abused or shut down with a trojan or virii :(
VIPER_1069 said:
i third this issue.... recent reports is that it can take as little as 12 minutes for an unprotected machine to be fully taken control of and either abused or shut down with a trojan or virii :(
Wrong. I don't use any firewall, and noone, ever exploited me- including trojans.
A minor tip: I run Linux... :D
I also run in my linux a VMware XP pro machine for a copuple of tasks that cannot be done under Linux (mainly accurate CD and DVD ripping), and that virtual machine does use AV and firewall.
The "x minutes until compromised", I believe applies to an unpatched Windows XP.

Microsoft define as critical, any vulnerability which can be exploited without user interaction.

Personally, I use router and software firewall, even for just one machine, though that does mean two places that anything with incoming port requirements needs to be set up in.