8X and 4X will only burn at 2X


New member
I've got an LG 8X writer and have burned at 4X without a problem. I thought I'd splash out on some 8X Datawrite Classics (Grey) but they will only burn at 2X. So...I cut my losses and got 150 Bulkpaq Orange 4X (only 16p from ukdvdr.co.uk ), but guess what - they will only burn at 2X! I'm gutted.
So...is this a compatibility problem, or is it the writer, that disc or the software. I use Easy CD &DVD 6, Nero 6 and Clone DVd. Clone is the only one that will see the discs at their claimed speed, although they still seem to take ages.
I've used 4X Bulkpaq and Datawrite at 4X before without a problem, so this seems strange.
Any idea's anyone?
as TP says, the max. burning speed for every media brand is stored in the burner's firmware; a firmware update may help; best thing is using recommended media like Ritek;

Greetings from


New member
Clone writes to the discs at 4 speed (and 8 to the Datawrite 8X discs), so I thought that would mean it wasn't a firmware issue.
I've used the same discs before at 4 X and I've also got some the same, but the printable version, which write at 4X.
I suppose it could be a dodgey batch, that would account for the price.
I'll look into the firmware version.
Thanks for the replies.


New member
I'm getting so cross. I can't find the firmware anywhere. Not on LG's site, and at cdfreaks it seems to have it, but there's no download button.

Anyway, in the meantime I ran dvdinfo on all my discs, here's the results:

Datawrite 8X by FUJI max write 2X
Ritek 4X printable by RITEK max write 4X
Bulkpaq 4X printable by PRODISC max write 4X
Bulkpaq Orange 4X by INFOSMART max write 2X

The manufacturer in capitals is as I'm told by dvdinfo.

SO...it seems there's more than one version of Bulkpaq Orange. One by Prodisc and one by Infosmart. That explains how they've worked before, and why they were 16p each.
Thanks to MackemX for dvdinfo and other help.

Hopefully I'll find this firmware update and they'll all burn at their claimed speed.


New member
Firmware sorted, very little has changed.
I can now write at 4X with the 8X Datasafes, but still only 2X with the Bulkpaqs.
I'm going to choose my discs more carefully from now on.
@smb, give me a shout next time bud and I'll keep yer right ;)

Bulkpaqs were the first DVD's I bought way back when and that was the last time I bought them. In fact I still have the 1X things now unused as I just threw them aside once I realised how naff they were. I don't even want to recall how much I paid for them!!

p.s. 2-1 Celtic, what a finish to the game :D