48x/24x/48x ???

Hi. I am not sure, but which type of Lite-On rewriters has this parameters? And what can you say me about it?
Thanx a lot.
LTR - 48246K and LTR - 48246S but some feel 48246S to be a better drive..Both very good units anyway...:)
Also the 48246K is shorter then the 48246S drives.
Verz well. I just bought 4 pcs of 48246S, I have already tested 2 of them, running good.

4 weboneando:
I don't want to flash it while my warranty lasts. Then maybe... But thanx...
Especially as, if it doesn't rate the media as good, it may not even hit the 52x - or even the 48x.

Unless you are going to do error rate testing, overriding the smart-?? maximum speed for a given media is unwise - in fact, taking it down a notch or 2 may be beneficial (or do nothing at all, or even make it worse).

On a full burn, with good media, haw many seconds does it actually save?
One more question. Which UDMA number should I set for it?

4 LTR12101B:
I don't use 48x speed, so I don't know any differences betwen 48x and 52x. I am always burning 40 max.
Unless I have some reason to LOWER the mode of a drive from the default, I usually just let the BIOS do it on AUTO - actually, I think mine only has UDMA enable/disable - but my IDE drivers include a utility to see/set the mode (on a maximum limit basis)

This site
Says Ultra mode 2 - 33Mb/s ... the highest that doesn't need an 80 wire cable
Thanx, LTR12101B. I have installed one of those drives to computer with quite old BIOS and have to set it manually. I have set 2, we'll see how it works...