Just as CloneCD was forced to emigrate to Antigua, the relentless legal pressure on 321 finally sees them shutting their doors, despite paying considerably more than lip service to reminding users about the legalities of making a backup, and not making it easy to copy something with CSS.
In America, it seems they are more concerned about DVD copy software than guns - and what America does today, Europe does tomorrow - like the insidious spread of DMCA-style legislation.
There seems to be a basic assumption of wrongdoing, assume the worst, and ban it as a precaution - by that token, you might as well assume that anyone with a gun will go mad with it, anyone with a car will commit road rage slaughter ... and if you have a dual tape deck with fast dubbing, the cops will be kicking your door down already.
Why not chip everyone at birth?
In America, it seems they are more concerned about DVD copy software than guns - and what America does today, Europe does tomorrow - like the insidious spread of DMCA-style legislation.
There seems to be a basic assumption of wrongdoing, assume the worst, and ban it as a precaution - by that token, you might as well assume that anyone with a gun will go mad with it, anyone with a car will commit road rage slaughter ... and if you have a dual tape deck with fast dubbing, the cops will be kicking your door down already.
Why not chip everyone at birth?