2 second pause


I'm confused about this 2 second pause thing that people are always talking about.

The audio I burn onto CDR is for playing on an ordinary old CD player. Do I need to leave the 2 second gap/pause or is it better to remove it?

If the pause is removed, will the functions of an ordinary CD player still work, e.g. skip tracks forward/backwards, go directly to a certain track, etc?

Does it make a difference if the tracks are not commercial songs but just audio lectures, etc?

Also, in an ordinary CD player, will the tracks automatically be displayed as track 1, track 2, etc, or do I need to do some editing somewhere?


ps I'm going to use BAO and I know nothing about it.
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I dont use bao anymore couse its got problems with my drive(cant write a data multissesion cdr)but its a excelent piece of software and its a probably best audio burner together with eac and burrrn..
You can use a 2 seconds gap but you can also make it biigger or smaller(as you wish)...Tracks will be played in your player as track 1,2..regardless if is a song or just a lecture as long that playing cd tracks are 16b&44,1kxz...
Anyway,you shouldnt worry too much about gaps,it will play cd in any case...
For gapless check a hydrogen audio,there is a few good posts regarding foobar and lame using lame tag..
Btw,if you are new to audio..consider using burrn...
Its a truly great audio solution,and newest version can even make a gapless one(it claims-didnt check one)cd for mp3s encoded with Lame3.90 and newer versions :)
For links check the search button :)
removing the gap helps for smoother transition between the tracks in the case of a MIX cd or compliation where the tracks have to flow into one another having a gap of anysize other than 0 messes this all up and sounds terrible :(

as zver pointed out 0 gap makes no difference as the player will still be able to determine the break in the tracks without hassle :)

you can also use tools that will make one continuous track no gaps but then its just one huge 80 min track that you cannot skip to the next part without holding the fast forward or rewind on the player/remote :)


zver said:
Btw,if you are new to audio..consider using burrn...
Its a truly great audio solution,and newest version can even make a gapless one(it claims-didnt check one)cd for mp3s encoded with Lame3.90 and newer versions :)
For links check the search button :)
What the heck are you talking about? Check the search button for burrn... ?????