2 Hard Drives

This is going to be a stupid question but i need to know if i am right or not.

I have windows xp on my current hard drive. I am going to buy a second one and plug it in. I don't need to do anything else do i? Both hard drives can be accessed still?
No. No problem.
Just read the instructions that come with it.
If u have an old mobo you may have problems with 40gig+ but there r ways round this.
Although for myself. I would unplug the old drive first & stick in the new one with a boot diskette. Then format it through dos & set your partitions & such there first. Then install your first (master) one back & fire it up.
I would do it this way only 'cause I don't like most windows based partitioning programs & less trouble this way of messing things up although most window based partition propgrams are pretty straight forward.


Yep, do as shadoe_phantom suggests. It will give you less chances of headaches. After 1000's of hard drive setup's I've done over the years this is the best solution regardless of OS. :cool:
Hard Drive install

Windows XP doesn't need any specail requirements to install a second hard drive. Check the following before buying a new one:
1. Open the computer and ensure there is a spot to mount a second hard drive. Some computers don't have the room.
2. Before buying a hard drive over 40 GB ensure your motherboard will support it. Older mbs are limited by how big a hard drive can be installed.
3. You may have to enter the bios of your computer and do a scan for the new hard drive if your computer doesn't detect it, and it will need to be formated in order to use it.
3. By default, when you do intall another hard drive, the drive letter will be the next drive installed. Example. C: is the main drive. If you have a CD installed it is currently D:. When you install the new drive it will be listed as E: You can change the drive letter manually by going to my website:
and click on the link to Change Hard Drive & CD Rom Drive Letters



very kind of you to give the personal URL to help out SilverX, but no direct links are allowed. It's one of the forum rules. Your new here, so it's not a big deal. I even fixed it for you. Just be sure to read the rules before posting again. :cool:
I also have two h/ds one has win 98 one has xp and I just let computer know which one I want by picking it in bios when I start up....