2 dvd burners 1 desktop

Depends on the desktop, also on the burn speeds. For instance burning two DVD's at 8X would eat up a fair bit of resources and I can't see it happening on say a PII 400 with 128MB's of RAM. But if the PC is up for the job, then yes.
A P4 2400 using Discjuggler can write to 2 dvd's (Pioneer's) on the fly from 2 dvdroms (Lite-On 166s) at 4x no problems. I have seen this on a friends setup.
I dont know what your setup contains but as the other members have pointed out it can be done....Still using firewire devices is the best option for this kind of operation....this is the housing I use with my Pio 7 series and liteon 166 dvd rom drive via my notebook.System resources is low this way..

