16:9 with SpruceUp???

can anyone help? vhdlman wrote in another area about editing the ifo file on product to use spruceup on 16:9 ratio rips. could someone explain more about how to do this? I currently can only use spruceup on 4:3 and i thought it was impossible to do 16:9 without doing some artificial stretching and cropping on spruceup.


Please bear with me, I am at work and I do this on my home P.C.
(I will post correction if I get this wrong)

I use Spruceup to generate a "Title set" (VIDEO_TS/AUDIO_TS) directory. Once Spruceup has finished, fire up IFOEdit. Open the .IFO file in the VIDEO_TS directory, the one named the same as the 1.0Gb files (VTS_01.IFO?). In the top window, select the
second line down, then in the lower window, scroll down to find the entry at offset = 0x200. Double click the line and a window will pop up with check boxes (NTSC/PAL, Frame size, FILM/CAMERA, 4:3/16:9, Auto Letterbox etc.)

I then click in 16:9 and check the box marked "Auto Letterbox".
Hit save and IFOEdit will ask if it is o.k. to overwrite the .BUP file, push "YES".

When you play back your DVD now, the menu will still be 4:3, but the film should go into 16:9, auto letterbox mode.

Let me know if you need more.


Thanks for your reply. Sounds like a worthy experiment. After reading your reply, I did google search and came across an article with pictures of 16:9 video processed with spruceup. Its address is *ttp://www.ghorne.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/vidtest/169dvd.html

It looks like it works well. I'll try it. I hate using Sonic PE.

Thanks again for the this nugget.

I have edited your post re the direct link these are not allowed - please read the Rulez - Tnx - joripe