10Mbit Lan & Firwire together possible?

My problem:
I have two PCs connected via a 10Mbit Hub (owned by my ISP)
Both of them have firewire on-baord.

All I want to know:
Is it possible to connect both PCs to LAN & FireWire at the same time, so I can use LAn for surfing & Firewire for file-transfer between both PCs.

Otherwise I have to buy a 100MBit hub,since 10MBit is much too slow, but I don't want to spend some money, that's why I want to know if it is possible or if windows will get mad?!

Moreover: If it works, does Windows use automatically the faster line (firewire) for file-transfer and LAN only for surfing or not?

Thanks ijn advance for your input..

Thats no probs at all, you can set up your firewire connection and enjoy it. When you set up this connection , speczify which interface you use.

As long both the nic and firewire are up , going without problems
Thanks for response!
I'm not quite sure if I described my problem very clearly:

BOTH PCs are connected to the same LAN-hub, but speed is slow, only 10 MBit/s.

That's why I want to use firewire-cable for direct-connection between those 2 PCs, just like a cross-patched LAN-cable, but with 400MBit/s.

My question:
Is it possible to use LAN & Firewire at the same time. In this case, the two PCs would be connected both to two different networks, a LAN-network & a FireWire-network.
Is there no problem if I create such a "circle" of two networks?

And does Windows use automatically use faster line, if I access one computer from the other?

Thanks again

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So you are sure, you can go to connections and choose your network card, and take away printer and filesharing for Microsoft network, and enable this on the firewire connection.
I wasn't aware that firewire COULD go from PC to PC - if that IS right, then the cable needs to be without POWER connections (implemented as 4 wire, not 6)

For local file traffic, make sure you bind the client and sharing to the Firewire only, that should give you the traffic path you desire.

If the firewire ends up with TCP/IP addresses (not sure if that's possible or even valid) then ensure that they occupy a different (private) logical network range to the ethernet.
Yes, superfast (400Mbit/s).

You can even use 6-wire cables, no problems at all.

Tomorrow I'll check if I can get it to work with LAN & firwire at same time.

Thanks for all your suggestions