100 Pack DVD+R = $39.99?

Anyone seen this from OfficeMax $79.99 -$20 instant rebate - $20 mfr's mail-in rebate = $39.99? At dvdrhelp someone said this "These a Arita 2.4x brand made by Ricoh. Many people report being able to burn these at 4x." Does anyone know if that is true and on what drive?? Thanks
To Cheap, Also to good to be true..

Id like to know has anyone tried these.. Which DVD Writer...



New member
I thought I would give them a shot. I wasn't enthused with the purple label, but for $.30 each after rebate, what the heck.
I have burned 3 since the purchase using my NEC DVD-RW ND-1300A and they seem to work fine. One was less than 4 gig initially, so no compression was used. The other two was burned using DVD Decrypter, DVD Shrink 3.1, and burned using Nero 6.
I'm please so far and will be happier when the rebate check arrives.


New member
How much would shipping be to the UK? Also, would you still be able to receive the mail-in rebate outside the US? I would be hesitant to say yes with only 3 copies made. I would like to be able to test them further before fully recommending them.
these are definitely Arita 2.4x with media id RICOHJPNR00, and should be very good. i don't know about any burner being able to burn them at 4x though. whoever said 4x might be confusing them with the 4x Aritas (RICOHJPNR01). my local OM sold out fairly quickly. :(


New member
It looks like 2.5x at 3,433 kbps is the fastest speed documented so far using DVD Decrypter writing a 4.2G movie with no shrinking.


New member
true !

I am a new member to the forum, great stuff found here! After I revw some basic tutorials from the forum, I headed to Office Max and found this sale... They were sold out though, so I simply got a rain check. One week later I went to pick up the order. The dvd's are 4x, and since the mail in rebate was expired, the cashier sold them to me for $39.99. I was so happy I got 200, well since then I have a busy bee... So far no complaints at all, good quality product. :)