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  1. B

    review of new plextor 40/12/40

    I'm seriously considering buying this drive. Check out this review and see if any of you can see anything wrong with it. Also if you can suggest a better drive please do. h**p:// Cheers Baz
  2. B

    LiteOn not writing DAO with Nero PLEASE HELP

    I was trying to write a few MP3s to CD yesterday and Nero told me that my writer isn't compatible with Disk At Once and it needed a 2 second gap between the first and second track. What's going on????? Also what is the best Writing Software to use with this writer? Cheers Baz
  3. B

    Just need one lines answers - Which Burner???

    I'm stumped. I've been looking around at a lot of new burners. I currently have a Plextor 16/10/40a in my machine and I want another burner to put in the new machine I'm building. I've came to the conclusion I want something which can write at 24speed or faster. I've been looking at the Lite...