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  1. C

    HELP!! Selecting Multisessions in Win XP Pro??

    I am trying to find out if it's possible to select different multisessions on CDs under Win XP Pro. I burned multisession CDs using the latest NERO, but then when viewing the CDs under explorer and trying to see the different sessions, only the last one appears of course, I can't select anything...
  2. C

    HELP--Selecting Multissessions in Win XP, HELP???

    I'm trying to find if it's possible to make Win XP Pro be able to select volumes from CD's... I have burnt multisession CDs with the latest NERO for XP, but I can't select the different multisessions under WIn XP Pro!!It only shows me the last session!! In Win98 you could select the volumes...
  3. C

    HELP w/Viewing Multisession Volumes under WinXP!!

    Does anyone know how to get WinXP to show and let you select multisession volumes from CD-R's, either by integration within the Windows system or even a seperate multisession viewer program?? I thought Nero or integrated a multisession volume viewer within Windows by installing...