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  1. M

    Plextor 2410a TLA#102

    I got this for my Mom for Christmas and am wondering if anyone has tested it to see if it copies like the rest? (ie Everything?) Thanks!
  2. M

    Final word on TLA#202 (Plex 2410a)

    I finally found in another forum someone who actually owns and has copied an SD2 game and it works! Yeah! It's not a rave review but it answers my burning question... h**p:// "i have TLA#0202. Ive only tried burning Operation Flashpoint which...
  3. M

    New Info on TLA 202 (Plex24) from

    I just found this at h**p:// "This is a problem that most Plextor TLA#202 drives seems to have. Our Plextor drive was the TLA#000 series and didn't have any such problem. You can't really blame TDK for this because if you buy a brand...
  4. M

    PlexWriter 24/10/40A - latest TLA and Firmware that work?

    Am going to order a PlexWriter 24/10/40A first thing Friday. I live in Podunkville (nobody sells drives anywhere near here!) so I have to ordr my drive online and won't be able to look at it to determine the TLA and firmware or MFG. date. SO... I was wondering if people could list their info...