Search results

  1. E

    Who Said That?

    Who said that? It was the first day of school and a new student named Martinez, the son of a Mexican restaurateur, entered the fourth grade. The teacher said, "Let's begin by reviewing some American history." Who said "Give me Liberty, or give me Death?" She saw a sea of blank faces, except...
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    Cheerleader Toss You won't believe this one!
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    Resource File Not Found!!!!????

    Windows XP, Home Edition, SP2 Installed. Sony Vaio P4 - 1.8 Ghz. Radeon 7000 64mb video. Just started doing this, perhaps right after I installed SP2. Whenever I right click on an icon on the desktop or in a window, an error message pops up that says "Resource File Not Found"......Click on...
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    Writing at 8X??

    Okay, I finally used the last of my 4X DVD's and ordered a bulkpack of Ritek 8X from Newegg. They arrived this morning but I can't get them to burn higher than 4X. The disks are Ritek R03, DVDINFOPRO id's them as 8.0X Media ID Code Speed. 4.0X and 2.4X write descriptor. Attempting to burn...
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    Assistance Needed

    Apparently I, or one my children, managed to download a piece of spyware called the BPK keylogger. I searched around the web and got the basic instructions to manually remove it. AD-AWARE hit it but wouldn't clean it. Norton Anti-Virus hit it and partially cleaned it. I manually deleted as...
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    Dying Millionaire

    This millionaire finds out that he is dying and has only a month to live. He calls in his three most trusted advisors, his lawyer, his preacher, and his doctor. He tells each that he has decided to take his money with him when he dies. He gives them each $30 million dollars in cash of his...
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    Blond Police Officer

    Subject: Blonde police officer A blonde police officer pulls over a blonde in a convertible sports car for speeding. She walks over to the car and asks the blonde driver for some I.D. The blonde convertible driver searches through her purse in vain. Finally she asks, "What does it look...
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    Black Boxes

    Black Boxes Installed in 4X4's The National Transportation Safety Board recently divulged they had covertly funded a project with the US auto makers for the past five years, whereby the auto makers were installing black boxes in four-wheel-drive pickup trucks in an effort to determine, in fatal...
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    Moving to Las Vegas

    Another oldie but goodie: This guy comes home from work and find his wife in the bedroom with a suitcase open on the bed. She is carefully packing her belongings. He asks, "What are you doing?" She responds, "I'm leaving you!" He asks, "Why? Where are you going?" She responds, "I found...
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    3 Guys Getting Into Heaven

    This is an old one, but a good one: Three guys are standing in line waiting to get into heaven, St. Peter asks the first one, "How did you die?" The guy replies, "It's real embarassing and I don't want to say." St. Peter says, "If you want in, you have to tell me how you died." The guy...
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    New buddy here. Just joined though I've lurked for a while here and over on the old CDRSoft site. Just got into DVD burning about two months ago, and am learning as much as I can. Already received invaluable help here that kept me from buying another drive as I thought the one I had might be...
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    Need some help, odd problem.

    I have been using a Pacific Digital Branded DVD+-RW burner for about two months. It is actually an AccessTek/Optorite DD0201. I'm running it in a Sony P4 1.8 ghz system with a Pioneer DVD drive. I was previously running it with a Sony 175e CDRW burner, but the DVD burner would not read all...