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  1. C

    Trouble burning my backups

    When using clonecd I get an error saying atapi dvd-rom 16x is not compatible with clone cd readmode "read subchannel data from data tracks and extra audio info"! :( :( I get the same error when using my pioneer dvr 106D drive. I tried my friends cd backups and they work fine ;) but his dvd...
  2. C

    Hi-Ya EveryBody!

    Just thought I'd say Hi-ya to everyone!! ;) Don't have a lot to say(Cause I'm-a-Bit-Of-Newbie) I Just built my own pc though...No probs yet, apart from My ps2 backups :confused: :( :mad: You Might have to go along with my spelling somtimes as well, cause i'm WELSH :p if you want to know...