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  1. H

    Do I have to keep using RW's?

    One of the main thrills for me in using DS is being able to remove all the trailers, warnings, & fluff, and get right to the main menu for the movie (as I still like to have the option of choosing to see some extras, etc instead of just going directly to the movie only). Normally, all goes...
  2. H

    Runtime error 35601 - Element not found?

    Ok, I know it must be something simple, but........ There were references to this error in other threads that it would occur when you are trying to load a project file if one of the directory pointers /locations of ifoedit, etc had changed.... but, if I go back & try to load a previously...
  3. H

    Where can I find the screen......?

    On two movies (both by Sony) in particular - Radio & Daddy Daycare, just before the movie starts there are two nag screens that appear (black background / white lettering) that the "opinions expressed in the movie are not necessarily held by blah blah..." I'm able to strip off all other...