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    Help With RecordNow Max..

    Using Dvd Decrypter, Dvd2One and to burn RecordNow Max. In the begining everything workt great but lately the burning stops with errors.. Sometimes it works and sometimes it fails, In recordNow Max the error say: Data Job Untiled1 Terminated with errors Error -9 at sector 1029184 Whats wrong ...
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    Having Big Problems ! Help, anyone ?

    Now using anydvd and clonedvd (latest versions) and still having the same problem as in the last versions... Some Dvd backups goes just fine, it reads and then writes. But now, most of the times, when its about to write the "time" is running away up to 300 min instead of the usually ,when its...
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    Help with CloneDvd and AnyDvd..

    Some nice and helpfull person who would like to explain how to use these 2 programs to make a Dvd copy ? Is it the AnyDvd that takes away the "stop" in clonedvd, to takes the protect against making a copy away ? So new to this and really want it to work.. Some guide would be a gold-coin for me =o)