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  1. I

    P4 3.06 cpu runing at 73C under full load normal ???

    I have aP4 3.06 cpu which when working under full load Ie doing video conversion. The cpu temp goes up to 73c. I'm sure this is NOT normal but what can i do about it?. The heatsink/fan is attached properley. its the one that came with it.
  2. I

    How do you burn dvd-r img files

    This may sound like s stupid question but with what do you burn dvd-r IMG files. I d/led a couple and thought i could burn with nero but it does'nt want to know I have nero Any ideas on A) how to get nero to burn said files or b) a programe that WILL burn them thanks
  3. I

    Problem with nero and nec nd1300

    Latest version of nero is reporting that my nec nd1300 will only do 2 speed on a 4 speed dvd-r when i know it should do 4 speed is there something wrong with my drive or does nero just not support 4 speed dvd writeing yet :confused: :mad: