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  1. A

    Different behaviour between stand-alone and PC

    I noticed the following and I wonder if someone could explain this. In the menu of the original dvd, when you press the start button appearing on the menu, a promo appears (part of the menu vob), then a nag screen (also part of the menu vob) and finally the main title starts. I stripped these...
  2. A

    DVDStripper Does Not Display Drive Info

    Drive names still not appearing?! I am aware that this occasional DS issue with the drive names not appearing in the dropdown selection list has been discussed in the past, but I am not sure if the reason has been identified and a workaround is available. The drives appear just with their...
  3. A

    Take the blue or the red pill?!

    There are two brothers and some japanese guys who are asking me to choose either the animated red or blue pill (hope it makes sense this garbage, but I hope this way I don't violate the board rules). There are lots of linked cells in this dvd, but I do not touch any of those... All what I strip...