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    featron ft6720

    hi guys ive got a featron ft6720 laptop amd 300 processor 2gb hd the tft backlight inverter has burnt out but otherwise perfectly ok (plug in a monitor and you can use it, not very mobile though) my question is this has anyone seen one of these know where to get spares know of...
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    sygate pro firewall 5.0

    hi all have the above and have found it to be very good the question is when using xp if anybody else logs onto my comp the firewall is only loaded in one profile and id like all users to be behind firewall is there a way to do this with sygate or is there another firewall that will need to...
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    fried power supply

    hi all have been given a friends comp he says wont switch on discovered power supply fried tried taking psu out of another comp but still wont switch on ie dead as a dodo my question is this is the fried psu likeky to have stuffed the mobo the temp psu has been put back in the other comp...
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    canon bjc 4300

    hi guys i have a canon 4300 b jet which has been fine for the time ive had till now now its decided to only print in yellow & blue so i assume the cartridge is blocked on red have tried cleaning repeatedly with white spirit etc no joy also it seems to print in lines like a barcode...
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    password problem

    hi all has anybody got any ideas on this a friend has a toshiba equim desktop pc and it has now decided it wants a password before it will boot will not let you into setup password is unknown ie its not any of the user /admin passwords i assume the password is in bios have taken out cmos...
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    laptop problem

    hi guys i have a problem i have a ancient laptop and the inverter that supplies power supply to screen backlight blew up about twelve months ago no luck tracing a replacement from any source ive tried seems a shame to just throw it away so my question is this has anybody...
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    does this speed up your 56k

    hi guys anyone know anything about this regedit hkeycurrentuser\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\internetsettings right click in explorer window //new dword . type MaxConnectionsPerServer //enter/enter add a for value then same again but MaxConnectionsper1-0Server //enter /enter...
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    media speeds?

    im a little confused i bought a 40/12/48 writer which im pleased with my problem is i have some octron media thats certified to burn at 24 speed but actually will burn at 40 speed fine but i also have a lot of emtec media thats certified at 32 speed but wont burn at more than 16speed what gives...
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    processor upgrade possibility ?

    upgrading a p3 800 ? hi i have a p3 800 socket 370 system and was wondering whats the fastest processor my mobo will take chipset 82810e board is gigabyte i 810-47b27x thanks in anticipation of any help
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    autocad 2002

    just for anyone who might be interested i downloaded this prog and installed it then discovered that when you open a document in off 2000 it immediately closed it eventually discovered that you need to delete a dll file in office2000/office and then let office reinstall it and then its fine...
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    is this a trojan or a virus hi, for some reason when i open a off 2000 prog (ie w-rd, e-cel etc ) when i try to modify or even double click, in the case of e-cel the open document closes immediately would appreciate any suggestions by the way have reinstalled off 2000, checked for viruses ...