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  1. M

    Panasonic DVD Ram / -R Drive 321e

    I was wondering if anyone has some info on this drive as the only one that i can find on the net that is close to this Panasonic DVD Ram / -R Drive 321u ...i don't know if there is any differents or if it is just called that here in luck at Panasonic's web if...
  2. M

    Xbox Mode Chip ?????

    I dont know if someone has allready asked this question but i really need to know so i thought why not start here... What and Why is the best mod Chip for The XBox... more i read the more i get confused.... so if someone could help me out i would be very grateful Thanks in Advance ... MusTang
  3. M

    Xbox and Pc Monitor ??

    hi guy just wondering if there it possible to connect a Xbox to a Standed Pc you have to buy something extra.. um .....any Feed back would be verry gratefull Thanks....:) :confused:
  4. M

    Subtles No More

    Does anyone Know of a Program or a Way of getting rid of Subtles from AVI,MPG, and so on.....Files...any feed back would be verry helpfull... Thanks....:confused: