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  1. B

    How to modify apsect ratio?

    Hi all, does anyone knows how can modify the aspect ratio of an mpg video? I think I must re-encode it or i am wrong?
  2. B

    MainConcept MPEG Encoder

    Does any1, knows and/or use MainConcept MPEG Encoder? And if yes, what about it vs CCE, TMPgenc? Thanks.....;)
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    AC3 Filters problem

    I'm using Windows 2000 Pro build 2195, registered AC3filters with the following .cmd: @echo off echo Registering AVI-AC3 Filters... regsvr32 /s regsvr32 /s echo Finished registering Filters... but still, when I launch GSPOT to obtain codec information about an XviD...
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    MPEG2 Editing with M2-EDIT......

    I'm using M2-Edit to cut part of an MPEG2 movie, then saving it result in a movie bigger then the original one!!!!:mad: Does any1 knows why, is there any particular option to activate when I save? Thanks in advance.........:)
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    CCE 2.50 problem? (2nd try)

    Does any1 could explain why using DVD2SVCD 1.1.0 build 1 (but tried later version also, same results), to convert a DivX to SVCD following the ChickenMan related tut, i'm unable to set the Convert divx3 to divx4 option on, in the MISC tab? It is greyed (not modifiable)!!!!:( When CCE start for...