Search results

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    Battlefield 1942-which cd is the play disk

    which one of the 2 cds is the play disk, the cd needed to play without the crack??
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    cant figure out hot to teleport-Unreal Tournament 2k3

    i checked the game options, read the pc manual and havent found anything. can somebody please tell me how in multiplayer theres people who disappear then reappear some footsteps away. they transport from one side of a wall to the other side.
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    .mpg to bin&cue

    my dvd player doesnt play .mpg directly but it plays svcd/vcd's made with dvd2svcd. i want to put this .mpg in a bin&cue like the ones made with dvd2svcd that contains other folders and information so that my dvd player will play it. thanks
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    Change DSL IP Address

    how is it done? does one need to contact the provider?
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    Removing a item from Customize Notifications

    please i need to remove some things from there so that its no longer listed. does anybody know how? =+= problem solved found this Microsoft Knowledge Base Article;en-us;Q283084
  6. 1

    What processor do i buy

    i seen Athlon XP 2400 oem for $200 & Pentium 4 2.4GHz 533MHz retail for $200. which do i buy? the Pentium is faster i think. i don't want to spend more than a few dollars over 200.. . ... .
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    is anybody else having trouble with

    I have twah emails there. i use them almost daily. One of them is working right now and the other is not. I last logged on to the email that isn’t working now, the day before yesterday. It keeps asking me for the password for the account. I am typing it in correctly!@#%&*BEEEEEP*
  8. 1

    how to erase search history from search bar @

    i want to delete all my search history from all the things i have searched for are being stored i tried Cache, Cookie & Windows Cleaner from but it didnt clean that only IE history & Windows history anybody know where this data is being stored...
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    a program to run my dos command?

    i want a program to run this dos command for me "ren *.pcx *.rar" i think a .bat file can do this but i dont know how to make one. somebodys helps mes
  10. 1

    Help Installing Visual Studio .NET Enterprise Architect

    VSENARD1.iso --- cd1 VSENARD2.iso --- cd2 VSENARD3.iso --- cd3, cd4 VSWCUD1.iso --- cd5, cd6, cd7 ================================== It keeps asking me for cd4 which is "VSENARD3.iso" isnt it? I tried all disks and none work. has anybody been able to...
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    whats the software called that microsoft tech pro's use..

    to help you when you call them up or whatever. just want the name of the software they use.
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    svcd Burning Question/Hardware Question

    i haves some samsung dvd video player with supports vcd, svcd, mp3,& cd-rw. i havent tried playing vcd/svcd movies on it yet so i guess i'll try burning on cdrw's since there supported do i have to burn the .bin & .cue of the or can i just extract the .mpg and burn the .mpg only? will the dvd...
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    when will it finish/whats next

    its my first time trying to make a vcd from a dvd. it takes forever right now i have "82% Encoded_Video_CCE_NTSC.mpv" 4 more hours ta go and this part is done im using dvd2svcd with cinema craft encoder v250 what will be next? and will it take as long as encoded video cce ntsc.mpv has taken...
  14. 1

    Windows XP style buttons on Winace 2.2

    the option dont work i cant get windows xp style buttons setting to work it is grayed out :cool:
  15. 1

    help! norton internet security & norton antivirus

    i dont know how long these programs have been like this but i think its only been about a day. i can't get them to start. there tray i missing also its suppose to be in the lower right corner by the time and date. how do i fix this. i cant scan for virus's or do a online update i tried...
  16. 1

    cant fully uninstall D.A.P.

    .........look at what is left behind.
  17. 1

    WinMX v3.1 - Shared File Types

    in winmx shared file types menu it says "Other file extensions to share:" (i made a little screen shot aint much to look at) but the problem is that i cant enter more than 16 file types/extentions. someone have a fix for this? i want to enter moore thanks
  18. 1

    Copy Protection to apply to Data cd

    ?? i seen some here at cdrsoft but they say that there for music cd's. is there anyway i can apply some protection to a data cd i make a copy of.
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    How to Run a FTP server on XP ?

    has anybody been able to run a ftp web site on there xp os ? because i havent i can make 1 but people wont be able to connect because supposably XP has a built in firewall .
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    when i try connecting to this site that i know with flashfxp i get Data Socket Error: Network is unreachable but when i try connecting to this same site with leechftp it connects me and i can view what is there. i want to be able to view this site with flashfxp. i think its something having to...