Search results

  1. N

    Bug in Script von CDRSOFT-Forum?

    Während funktionaler Tests des Morzilla-Browsers fiel mir folgendes auf: Beim Aufruf des Forums wurden in Mozilla die Boards Software - News, Software - Cdr Related, Software Non-Cdr Related sowie Trader´s Corner nicht angezeigt! Im IE war die Darstellung korrekt. Um der Sache nachzugehen...
  2. N

    The idea of the "best freeware"-thread...

    The idea of this thread ( h--p:// ): Making a forum-own-list of the realy best freeware for the newbies and intrested users... Any comments? -NetDancer-
  3. N

    The realy best Freeware of the world?

    Let us talk about it (only progs without banners and spysoft - of course) . My tips: Firewall: Kerio personal firewall Antivirus: AntiVir Personal Edition Packer: Ultimate Zip IRC-chat: HT-IRC ICQ-chat: Vista Graphic-viewer: IrfanView Download-manager: Star-Downloader ... -NetDancer-
  4. N

    Infos about Steinberg 6.5

    Hello, I had upload the soft, but we had some trouble with the FTP-space. Now CDRSOFT is down and there is no way to share the FULL- STEINBERG-PACKAGE at this moment. But it´s not so terrible, because the pure burnprog is the same like the original VOB-release from 04-04-02, that you can...
  5. N

    CDRWin 5

    Yesterday I get CDRWin 5.0/german (build 5.0.110). I could see, that it isn´t at the download-site. Is there a way to upload it here? -NetDancer-