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  1. N

    DVDStripper Homepage?

    It seems to be gone?!?! Updates or other problems? -Nhilar
  2. N

    Ack! Ifo Edit .95 does not recognize angles!

    Ummm, this means that we can not work on any dvd that has angles?!?!!? Time to go on to .96! Nhilar
  3. N

    Bug in DVD Split Function

    in version .2, the DVD split function does not quite work. It will split the dvd, but will not rename the the first chapter after the split to 1 and point cells on the previous disk to 1. Example 40 Chapters, splitting at 20... First disk is fine. Second disk has to count 1-19 before playing...
  4. N

    Cool Feature I would like to see.

    I am using stripper to split DVD's, not the split function mind you, just selecting what I want for each DVD then processing.....What would be really great is a feature that would insert a 'Insert Disk 2' image at the very end! Maybe on the interface you could have a check box that says...
  5. N

    Question about ordering...

    About how long does it take to fill a DVDStripper purchase..? And does the kind gentlemen work on weekends? Can't beat the price for such a utility, just wondering how long till I get it ;) -Nhilar