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  1. N

    2 hours plus for DVD burn - what can I do next

    I don't know what to do anymore, just can't seem to get DVDs to burn at any kind of normal speed. I just got the Pioneer 107D & while it works & the copies are fine it's just sooo sloooow, like 2-3 hours. Background info 1.8G P4 900+MB memory IDE1 40G HD master, CDRW/DVDROM slave IDE2 107D...
  2. N

    New to this - any help appreciated

    Hi everyone, Lots of questions here. I just got myself a Pionerr 107D, OEM. Installed it OK and have so far managed to backup 4G of photos to it, trouble is it took something like 4 HOURS to burn. I reckon something must be wrong. The DVD is installed as slave2, both IDEs have a hard drive as...