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  1. J

    pioneer 104 problem plz help

    got pioneer a104 dvd writer .been working fine on region 2 films ,now says locked on to region 1 ,and i cannot swap to region 2 or any other region ,is there any way i can unlock it ??? plz help ..
  2. J

    wide screen to full screen?

    need to modify film from wide screen to full screen ,copying original movies,can any one help with tutorial .using dvdr by the way.. cheeres.....jemcat:confused:
  3. J

    problem writing dvdr ,help!!! plz

    ripped complete film using smart ripper ,no problem ,film under 4gig so don,t need to lose any thing can i go staight to burning ,and miss out ifoedit,tried to burn but when played in power dvd 4 message says format not supported ,or incorrect disc format.tried again but used ifoedit to get vts...