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  1. B

    How to create a menu button to enable/disable options

    How to create a menu button to enable/disable subtile or audio in ReelDVD? I want to make a very simple menu that allows me to choose my subtitles or audio. I already created the menu, but i don't know how to assing the functions to the buttons. Thank you The menu should be something like...
  2. B

    ReelDVD - Subtitle help

    Anyone know who can I create a link to activate a subtitle on ReelDVD? I want to create a DVD like a commercial DVD, but, the user can choose what language and subtitle he will use to see the movie. Anyone can help me with this unfortunely doubt?
  3. B

    Motion Menu

    How can I make a Motion Menu in ReelDVD? I Already tried everything and still nothing. Someone has some tip or knows where can I obtain a complete tutorial?