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  1. T

    Movie Title

    Hello, Sthg strange is happening when I try to burn a DVD from an original, either, these are 1 layer and it's ok (with Nero), or it's a 2 layers, en I can't burn it as after decrypting and so on, I can't find any title file ... I use DVD Decrypter + DVD2one and try to burn them with CopytoDVD...
  2. T

    decripting blocked :(

    Hello there, This is the 3rd DVD which I have decripting problems with. I tried with DVD Decrypter, and some other tools but it gets blocked after some % and won't move, even in several hours, the only error message I have concerns "reading errors" ... Sorry I'm just a newbie :rolleyes: Thx
  3. T

    Hm hm

    Hello everybody, I'm just a DVD burning newbie, I have been burning CDs for more than 5 years now. Forgive my stupid questions ;-) I already got lots of answers to some obscure points thx to the posts I could see here. Great work dudes ;-)
  4. T

    Primo DVD and Sony DRU 500A

    Hello there, I took a look at some tutorials all over the web and this forum and wanted to use Primo DVD which seemed to be rather good. I have a Sony DRU 500A, but it looks like Primo doesn't recognise this burner. Is there a known compatibility problem between both ? Thx