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  1. L

    Couple of quickies..

    Question 1: I've been told that you don't have to use dvd decrypter and that you can just go straight to dvd Shrink. I've been using decrypter first then dvd shrink. Can I just skip the decrypting part? What exactly does dvd decrypter do? Question 2: Say I've backup a DVD movie using the method...
  2. L

    Multi episode DVDs using Nero

    I am currently trying to backup the Sopranos Season 4 right now.. I am using DVD Decrypter then using DVD Shrink. After I decrypt the 1st dvd, I get 3 main movie files for Disk one. If I put all 3 episodes on the dvd-r it there will be a video depression of about 39% of orginal (with NO menus or...