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  1. B

    Help with DVD capture please!

    Anyone know of a dvd player which will allow me to capture stills straight to jpeg files. I have win DVD 4 at the moment, but it only seems to allow bitmap captures, and I loose a lot of quality when I convert them to jpeg.
  2. B

    Help with neodivx please!

    Hi! I've been ripping x-files dvds for some time now and making avi files to play in realplayer. My problem is this: The files play fine on my realplayer, and I sent them to my friend in Germany who also had no problem whatsoever with them. However when I sent them to a friend in the USA she...
  3. B

    Slight problem with NeoEncoder

    Hi! I've been ripping X-Files dvd boxed sets using smartripper. I then use NeoEncoder and found with season 3 that the following formula gave a really good result: CodecG; Total pass; autocropping; and cut to 300mb. Problem is, when I use the exact same formula on season 4 I get a slight...
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    For ChickenMan - tinra and tinraGUI

    Hi! Know the problems you had with only getting sound on rm to avi conversions with tinra? Well.......I had exactly the same problem, and I was also using windows 2000 and Realone player. I looked on guiguy's web page and it seems like this could be the problem: TinraGUI must be used with...
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    rm - avi

    Anyone know how I can convert small rm files to avi please :D
  6. B

    smartripper - aspi adaptor

    Hi! I'm new to dvd ripping and I am following the turorial, but I have a question. I am about to run smartripper when it shows the following message: "no aspi adaptor available" Can anyone tell me what this is please, and how I can get it if needs be. Many thanks in advance :D
  7. B

    Vidomi will be the death of me!!!

    I'm new to all this ripping lark, and having already installed and uninstalled more rippers, encoders, converters and liquorice allsorts that I care to name....I finally seemed to be getting somewhere with vidomi! Hah! I should have know better :( All goes well untill I try to add job to...