I've successfully made a backup of my anno 1503 (german) with blindwrite and the bwa-file. Now I want to use the patch 1.02 from the anno support website. I installed the patch without any problem. But when I want to start playing anno, it failed with an error in the 1503startup-exe...
I own a Plextor PXW2410A burner and I'm happy with it. But now I want to make a backup of a securom3 game (anno 1503) and failed. My burner supports efm-encoding and subchannels. Is this not enough? Do I have to buy a new burner again? Here are my Clone-CD settings:
[CloneCD ReadPrefs]...
I've tried to make a backup of Anno 1503 with CloneCD, but I failed. I'm using a Plextor PXW2410A (supports efm-encoding and subchannels) to read the original cd and to burn the backup. But the game doesn't run. Even when I start the copy in my Teac 532S CD-ROM. Im using the following...
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