For ages now I've had problems burning the same image t multiple burners. I've swapped drives over to every concievable combination but still have problems.
The drives both write the data 100% one will stop as it should whilst the other one will burn to the outer edge of the disc then crash the...
Trying to use DJ to copy a DVD. When it starts I get an error saying user buffer size is too big to handle.
Cant find anywhere to alter or reduce buffer size so I'm stumped.
Never used to have problems with DJ. I only went for a newer version cos my old one did not support DVD.
Any ideas...
My first time using CCE and I'm stumped already.
I'm following a tutorial and so far have run my m2v through Bitrate viewer to get info. Also DVD2AVI and the VFAPI.
All this went swimmingly. So now I've imported my file
Into CCE. I then alteres the settings that were right...
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