i have cpu can't play counter strike( open gl).
i don't know what wrong in my computer.
Motherboard Msi KT4v (MS - 6712) vers 10a Chipset VIA
Agp 8x
Memory 2x128 DDR
VGA Ge Force 4 MX 440
HD Excel Strom 40 GB
any1 can help me? pls
I have just download .wma files but i can't play in WMP and
can't convert it.
The error say it the is protected or ls_protected:Yes
What software could unprotected and convert it?
Nb: Unfuck or Freeme doesn't work.
Hi, I have problem in .wma file
I have finished download.wma but i can't play in WMP7 or winamp or dbpowerAMp.
Anybody know what wrong?
Ls_protected: yes
What software could unprotected it?
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