Search results

  1. drterror

    access to

    i bought a new internet connection (Dial Up) and when i try to connect to i get a message that says "vBulletin Message Sorry. The administrator has banned your IP address. To contact the administrator click here " with my old connection the forum works just fine..... can...
  2. drterror

    Fully Downloading Internet Explorer

    sometimes while repairing a pc i need to upgrade the system to the latest version of IE. the target pc is usually running win98 or winme or even win95 ... when i run the installation program of internet explorer 6.0 most of the times displays a message that i have wrong/missing files for this...
  3. drterror

    ICQ whitepages!

    i've noticed that for the past 2 weeks ICQ fails to display ONLINE users through its white pages search engine.....anyone knows whats going on?
  4. drterror

    Windows 2000 Server E-book

    does anyone have an e-book for windows 2000 server? i really really need thiz! ;) ;)
  5. drterror

    Network Routers

    can anyone suggest a guide or e-book for Network routers? just want to learn some basic stuff........ how does it works basic installation guides... generic stuff ! thx!
  6. drterror

    audiogalaxy off?

    anybody knows what happened to audiogalaxy? from yesterday it always displays X in the availability indicator. i checked with my friends and they also get the same status...
  7. drterror

    Easy way to change Windows XP key!

    i saw this on anyone knows which site is that??? " Anonymous writes "I just found on a site that you can simply reset your xp by using a tool called sysprep.exe (Windows Sytem Preparation Tool)... It´s quite simple. This tool will reset XP it in a way that after rebooting...
  8. drterror

    Nvidia's NVIEW Removal

    does anybody knows any way to COMPLETELY disable nview the damn thing although i disable it from the display properties it keeps coming back.....