Search results

  1. dx

    Microsoft feels tug of Linux

    "The growing popularity of Linux will force Microsoft to bring its software to the Unix clone starting in late 2004, a research firm predicted Monday in a study that Microsoft promptly disputed." "By 2006 or 2007, Linux will run on 45 percent of new servers, Meta Group predicted in a study...
  2. dx

    Best freeware alternative programs

    Excellent idea bud! I posted these a while back on another thread...and it seems quite appropriate to resurrect the post seeing that we have now gone Warez free. As you can see, some of the best wares are freewares. ;) EAC Exact Audio Copy Burnatonce (its...
  3. dx

    Blade Runner 20th Anniversary Fun

    I think it no suprise to anyone here that I'm a BIG fan of the 1982 motion picture "Blade Runner" (hint: look at my Avatar and signature). I marvel at how visually stunning this film still is after so many years. It seems that even after 20 years, this vision of mankind's future is still...
  4. dx

    new offficial Detonator reference drivers

    For those with NVIDIA cards... There are new offficial Detonator reference drivers posted today. Drivers Version: 30.82 File Size: 10.1 MB WHQL Certified h**p://
  5. dx

    a good mp3 guide

    Found an excellent site for mp3 nooby's. It has an excellent guide on how to make quality mp3's. h**p:// Give it a might learn a thing or two! ;)
  6. dx

    Norton Antivirus 2001 subscription extender

    Does anyone have the Norton Antivirus 2001 subscription extender. Ya know the little proggie that extends your Norton AV subscription another year (or more). I remember someone posting this file a while back...but could not find it after searching this forum. Perhaps I'm calling it the wrong...
  7. dx

    PowerDVD SE

    MP3PowerEncoder v1.0 & PowerDVD SE v3.0 PowerPacks for WinXP Has anyone been able to D/L this file from the main site?