Search results

  1. T

    audio cd protection

    I'm looking for the name of a good audio cd protector, that its image can be burned in alcohol , i am using ccd lock but it wont write the images, thanks
  2. T

    clone cd image

    can anyone help me, i am using an audio protection tool to protect my ccd images, such as ccd lock, easy audio lock , or clone audio protector, it works fine when burned on clone cd, but when I load the image in alcohol to do multiple cdr copies it gives a image error, or it does burn but...
  3. T

    software for multiple cdr recorders

    any one ever heard of multi cd pro or copycat pro ? it is a software that is suppossed to help your software record mutiple burners ?
  4. T

    multiple cdr recorders

    hey everone, I use alot of multiple recorders in each tower I have, i know of discjuggler, prassi, nero, clicknburn that support multiple burners does anyone know of any other software that does this, i Hear there is a plugin or a software that you can install that makes this feature available...
  5. T

    audio lock

    hey everyone i use the audio lock feature on clone cd but I use multiple cdr recorders, is ther any kinda plugin or software that I can use multiple cdr recorders at the same time on clone cd ? I use diskjuggler etc.... but i was wondering if there is anyhing i can apply to use all my recoders...