Search results

  1. ChickenMan

    DVD to VCD Tutorial updated

    The DVD to VCD Tutorial using DVD2SVCD has been updated to reflect the new versions of software available and their new features. There is now an updated version of DVD2SVCD released by the author ( ) and finally makes fully compliant VCD. It is also able to make Image...
  2. ChickenMan

    New version of FlaskMPEG, at last!

    Yep, FlaskMPEG has been updated and a new version available from their homesite. Still beta though. Download from _ FlasKMPEG 0.7.6 RC2 Notes Get It If you want to test this version download it here. If you find a bug, please report it...
  3. ChickenMan

    First DVD Player to suport DivX is released

    As it says, the first DVD Player to suport DivX playback has been relesed by KiSS Technology. "KiSS DVD Player DP-450 Offers Playback Of Videos Encoded In DivX 4.xx And 5.xx SAN DIEGO, CA and HOERSHOLM, DENMARK--(INTERNET WIRE)--Oct 22, 2002 -- DivXNetworks, Inc, the company that created the...
  4. ChickenMan

    Cp/m 80

    Anyone here running this old pre DOS OS? I have a bit of old software for it that I should throw out but if anyone is looking for some, send me a PM. Cheers,
  5. ChickenMan

    The SVCD to VCD Tutorial has been updated...

    Sorry, but I thought I had updated it a while back to include an alternative method of converting your SVCD to VCD. Well it now is. :) The Method 2 uses an MPEG2 Pluggin for TMPGenc and produces a stightly better quality VCD.
  6. ChickenMan

    DivFix 1.091 is now out...

    A new release of DivFix v 1.091 is now available for down load at their homepage _ Change log for ver 1.091 is: - fixed a bug where pressing the Stop button while Error checking, the buttons remain disabled - fixed a bug which made the backup file...
  7. ChickenMan

    Time for a Movie Quiz

    Attched is an excel file of 30 pictures taken from various popular movies. You have to guess the movie name the picture is from. Sounds easy, well the actors faces and hands have been made invisable! Now your movie knowledge will be put to the test. Also dont PM me for the answers, I dont...
  8. ChickenMan


    As this forum approaches our 1st Birthday ( we are 1year old on the 1st October ), we are also approaching our 30,000 member. So all you have to do is guess the exact time our 30,000 member joins the forum. You MUSt quote the Day and the Time and in GMT time, we are an international forum...
  9. ChickenMan

    Your opinion please .....

    Hi, As you can see this movie section is now all together and uses a drop down menu for a lot of the section. Question, do you find it easier this way or do you think all the forums one after the other would be easyier to read/navigate/etc.? Similar to what it was before? Your input...
  10. ChickenMan

    A new DVD to VCD tutorial has been posted

    As the title says, I have just posted the long waited new tutorial on how to backup your DVD's to VCD using DVD2SVCD & TMPGenc. I have been waiting for the author to officially release the latest ver of DVD2SVCD as that is the only one that can make fully compliant VCD's. I cant wait anymore...
  11. ChickenMan

    DVD to SVCD Tutorial updated yet again

    If updated the DVD to SVCD tutorial yet again. This time I've removed Nero as the prefered SVCD burner and replaced it with VCDEasy. Nero has been causing just to many problems for to many people during playback. No worries for the PC but on many DVD Standalones, things like Fast Forward &...
  12. ChickenMan

    DivX to SVCD Tutorial has just been posted

    I have just posted a new tutorial that guides you to convert your good quality DivX movies to quality SVCD's. It uses DVD2SVCD with CCE encoder. You can read it here: Enjoy.
  13. ChickenMan

    DVD to SVCD Tutorial updated

    As the title says, I have updated the tutorial to include a lot more detail in all the Tabs now. Have also added Note 2: that explains how to convert a widescreen 2.3:1 aspect ratio movie to 16:9 by chopping off a small amount of the left and right sides of the picture. Direct link is...
  14. ChickenMan

    What AVI Codec is it ?

    A neat little util called GSPOT is available to help identify the Codec used in an AVI plus others. It : o Determines which video codec an AVI file uses o Determines what audio encoding method the file uses o Determines what codecs you have installed, and whether you have the one needed o...
  15. ChickenMan

    Only In Australia

    1) Only in Australia... can a pizza get to your house faster than an ambulance. 2) Only in Australia... is "you awake?" the standard concept of foreplay. 3) Only in Australia... do Supermarkets make the sick people walk all the way to the back of the store to get their Panadol's etc...
  16. ChickenMan

    New DVD2AVI ver 1.77.3 is now out

    A new version by the original author of DVD2AVI is out, ver 1.77.3 Get it from _ Change log is: DVD2AVI & VFAPI Plug-In 1.77.3 * launch Chinese/Japanese/English menu (dialog not yet) automatically * The Pentium IV CPU benefits from the...
  17. ChickenMan

    New Tutorial posted on how to fix A/V sync problems

    Finally had a bit of spare time (wont last) so I've just posted a new Tutorial on how to fix A/V sync problems in VCD's and SVCD's. I have been doing this for quite some time (even for some friends) and never actually put it in writing, so I hope it can solve some of your problems as it solved...
  18. ChickenMan

    Tutorials Update

    I've just updated the DivX to VCD tutorial to include a way of handling the latest wave of DivX encoded with either VBR MP3 or AC3 audio. I've also included a short tutorial on how to convert a SVCD to VCD for those that have found their DVD Player wont play SVCD's. Enjoy.
  19. ChickenMan

    DVD2SVCD 1.0.9 build 3 released

    DVD2SVCD 1.0.9 build 3 released has just been released for those into SVCD's. Lots of bug fixex and a few new features. Change log is: 25 jun 2002 version 1.0.9 build 3 - Bug fix: Link2 support would fail if VCDXBuilder wasn't selected. - Enhancement: Added support for MPEG5.1 Audio using...
  20. ChickenMan

    New version of DVD2AVI released

    A new version of DVD2AVI has been released, ver 1.77.1 Available from it home site at _ Not many changes but should help those with P4's. Change log is: DVD2AVI & VFAPI Plug-In 1.77.1 * launch Chinese/Japanese/English menu (dialog not yet)...