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  1. ChickenMan

    New Pioneer 106 patched firmware

    Yep the 106 firmware has been finally patched for Region free (RCP1), 2x for 1x media and 12x ripping. Check out
  2. ChickenMan

    DVD to DVDR Tutorial has been updated again !

    I have updated the DVD to DVDR Tute at to reflect the new chages to the latest ver of DVD2SVCD that allows direct authoring after the encoding process. Whats new: 1. A number of fine tuning adjustments made and extra notes included. 2. Some extra...
  3. ChickenMan

    VCD and SVCD to DVDR Tutorial has been posted

    I have just posted a rather simple VCD/SVCD to DVDR Tutorial that does not require any re-encoding. This method will NOT work for everyone (not all DVD Players can playback SVCD's on a DVDR). You need to make at least one to try it out. If it doesnt work for you, then a proper re-encode will...
  4. ChickenMan

    New version of GSPOT 2.21

    GSPOT has an upgrade, now ver 2.21 from v2.21 Updates ● Fully resizable main dialog ● Export accepts an external text file as the format template. ● Supports a command line switch for "export and exit" (/x) ● Tolerates & detects files incorrectly fixed...
  5. ChickenMan

    DVD to DVDR Tutorial has also been updated

    For those still doing quality backups of their DVD's, I have updated the DVD to DVDR Tute at Whats new: 1. A number of fine tuning adjustments made. and extra notes. 2. Some Pictures now included for better clarity of the...
  6. ChickenMan

    Updated DivX to DVDR Tutorial

    I have just updated my DivX to DVDR Tutorial at Whats new: 1. Many settings fine-tuned and changed/updated. 2. I now include many pictures to make it a bit easier for those new to it all. 3. Now uses TMPGEnc DVD Author to...
  7. ChickenMan

    Updated DivX to DVDR tutorial has been posted

    I have just updated my DivX to DVDR Tutorial at Whats new: 1. Many settings fine-tuned and changed/updated. 2. I now include many pictures to make it a bit easier for those new to it all. 3. Now uses TMPGEnc DVD Author to...
  8. ChickenMan

    TMPGEnc DVD Author (English), Ver.

    TMPGEnc DVD Author (English), Ver. has just been released. Download demo from Product introduction With TMPGEnc DVD Author you can change (author) you MPEG-1 / MPEG-2 files to DVD-Video structured files. Using high quality MPEG files made by...
  9. ChickenMan

    DVD CopyDecrypter is just a con !

    Yep you read it, DVD CopyDecrypter at is a total rip off of DVD Shrink and they charge you $90 for software available free. From the same authors of DVD Squeeze, another con piece of software.
  10. ChickenMan

    SVCD to DVDR

    For those wanting to do this conversion, there is a new tool released called (S)VCD2DVDMPG. Ver 0.1.2 beta is available from their home site of
  11. ChickenMan

    DVD2SVCD 1.1.2 Build 1 is online

    Get it from Whats changed is: 17 feb 2003 version 1.1.2 build 1 - Bug Fix: If you have a decimalpoint , and thousandseperator . then the fileprediction factor for TMPGEnc would freeze on 1.500. The workaround in the former version is to switch the two symbols in...
  12. ChickenMan

    TMPGEnc 2.510 is now out

    A new version of TMPGEnc 2.510 is out today. It can be downloaded from their homepage at Just some bug fixes. TMPGEnc Plus Version 2.510 (2.510.94.157) - Fixed: In the Environmental setting window, General tab, checking Enable multiplex with... and...
  13. ChickenMan

    DVD Jon WINS !!!!!!!

    For thos following the saga of Jon Johansen who wrote the original DeCSS cracking code to remove encryption form DVD's. Well the final court decission dismissed ALL charges against him. Read the whole artical at CM
  14. ChickenMan

    Convert DivX to DVD±R tutorial has been posted

    I have just posted a Tutorial on how to convert your DivX/AVI's to DVD format, Author them and burn them to DVD±R. Its at : Enjoy, CM
  15. ChickenMan

    Nandub has been updated, at last !

    Nandub 1.0 rc3 has been issued and upgraded by a new programmer. He quotes: Due to the fact that Nandub is now defunct, yet still used for video editing, I've taken up the project to update it to the latest libraries and code from VirtualDub. I'll work on a little bit of coding to get it all...
  16. ChickenMan

    New update of DVD2SVCD ..

    There is a new update to DVD2SVCD, ver 1.1.0 Build 1b, from You must have ver 1.1.0 Build 1 or 1a installed first before updating. Change log is: 28 nov 2002 version 1.1.0 build 1b - Enhancement: An "AddBorders(0,0,0,0)" line in the avisynth script is now deleted (it is not...
  17. ChickenMan

    New version of VCDEasy is also out

    A new version of VCDEasy, ver 1.1.3, has been released today. Get it from 2002-11-29 - VCDEasy v1.1.3 Hoping I will still continue to receive a few donations, I planned to buy the Binary Magic's "Magic Cue Burner" delphi component. It has its own ASPI built-in. I will keep the...
  18. ChickenMan

    EazyVCD 1.14 is now out

    Yep, a new version of EazyVCD is out, ver 1.14. It now does SVCD as well as XSVCD. Get it from Change Log is: Version 1.14 - Fixed Bug "Auto shutdown function would not shutdown PC untill msg box was cleared" - Fixed Bug "Would cause a Run-Time Error 62 if dvd drive was...
  19. ChickenMan

    New TMPGEnc v

    A new version has been released, get it from or Change log is: TMPGEnc Plus Version 2.59 - Corresponded to Hyper Threading Technology. - Improved the system of template by project wizard. Basically, it can be chosen by...
  20. ChickenMan

    If Noah lived in Australia ..

    If Noah lived in Australia .. and the Lord spoke to Noah and said, "In one year, I am going to make it rain and cover the whole earth with water until all flesh is destroyed. I want you to save the righteous people and two of every kind of living thing on the earth. Therefore, I am commanding...