Recent content by albedo039

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    1.5hr with TMPGenc 2.57 and 6.5hr with TMPGenc 2.59

    I've got a 1 hour DivX V3 (700mb) and was trying to code it to VCD using latest TMPGEnc (2.59), by stripping the audio first, and then feeding that wav into TMPG along with the AVI. On my Athlon 1.4Ghz it says 6hrs. Far too long! I had an older version (2.57) of TMPGenc and feeding in the...
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    very funny -how not to water cool your new system

    this is the funniest thing I've heard for a long long time. Have a look at this guy's attempt .... h**p://
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    buffer problems when coding with TMPGEnc

    I'm conveting a DivX to VCD using TMPGEnc and it gives me an error message at the end saying it has 2000 buffer underruns in the stream. Does anyone know what is going on?
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    problem with XP SP1

    XP SP1 installed OK but it disabled the auto-updates. Tried switching keys 3 times to no avail. Eventually traced it to a dodgy installation of OfficeXP. Without that it ran like a dream. Didn't know that it would check other MS product installations.
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    French, the Tintin way

    If anyone else is learning French then have a look at this.